Friday, May 15, 2020

final project: kheirbek

Final Project - Gray

Final Project, Kakarla

Thank you for such a great semester, here is a video for my Final Project!

Final Project, Gill

Grant final project

Here's my final project!

Video Assignment 4, Jones

Video Link:

Final Project, Jones

Video Link:

Video Assignment #4, Gilligan

Link to video:

Final Project, Gilligan

Link to video:

Final Project (Toro)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Final Project, Gloekler

Thank you so much for everything this semester! I have learned so much and enjoyed it all. For my final project, I decided to do my original idea of the Big Ten Women's Basketball Tournament championship :)

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Final Project, Shin

Final Project - Mitchell ("Culture Shocked")

I've always been a fan of things from Japan (music, TV shows, anime, movies), especially if they were around before my time. The 1980s is what I consider to be a peak decade for the country, when production of goods was at an all-time high, the economy was rising, and consumerism was a powerful force. I had ordered a box of VHS tapes recorded from Japan not too long ago, so I decided to include them in this project to represent a portal to a time long gone by.

This was filmed and edited within the span of a day. Unlike the other video assignments, this was edited using DaVinci Resolve 16. It was my first time using the software so I figured I'd challenge myself to edit the final project with it. In addition, this final project is also a callback to some of my other video assignments (most notably #2). I wanted this to be a reminder of some of the other projects I've worked on without directly copying from them.

Thank you Mr. Jacobsen for a wonderful semester (even though it was rudely interrupted by the pandemic). I am glad to have learned everything there is to know in this class from you. You were always a really great professor, and you were able to guide many of your students in the right direction. I hope you have a terrific summer vacation and maybe we'll see each other again soon.

~ Mitchell Hang

Friday, April 24, 2020

Video Assignment 3 - Padilla

Video Assignment 1- Jones

For this interview assignment I asked a question regarding my hometown Frederick, Maryland. Due to the corona virus I was only able to ask my family for input on the question. The question was "What is one aspect of Frederick that you like and what is one thing that you wish was better." I also chimed in as a result of my limited audience.

Photo Assignment 4- Jones

For this assignment I attended a swing dancing club class, and documented the process of a typical swing dancing practice session. At first I was confident that I was not going to enjoy this event, however after about twenty minutes the lively atmosphere took over and it was actually very interesting. I highly recommend the class to attend one of these events sometime in the future.

The first image depicts the location of the event. It was held in one of the large ballrooms in Stamp and had an assortment of colorful balloons outside to welcome individuals to the practice session.

This image shows an Extra of the event. She is one of the coordinators for the Swing Dancing Club, and enjoys sharing her passion with beginning dancers. She did not actively participate throughout the class, but was there to answer questions any students had about the club
This image shows the Supporting Cast of the event. Many of them are beginning swing dancers with some intermediate dancers mixed in as well. They are seen here getting into lines to warm up for the session.
This is the Lead of the event. He is an extremely advanced swing dancer and was the coach of the session. He taught and explained many swing dancing moves and tutorials. This image captures him in a more advanced routine he performed at the end of the session.

These two individuals represent the Wild Characters. They were extremely flamboyant, involved, and expressive when performing and practicing their swing dancing moves. They are both seen smiling in this image as they have just completed their first tutorial.

Photo Assignment 3- Jones

                  The event I attended was a Journalism workshop for juniors, seniors, graduate students, and anyone interested in the topic in general. This event was held in a classroom in McKeldin Library and had an audience of about 6 people. A lecture was given in a power point format and there was open discussion throughout the entire presentation.

This first Overall image portrays the classroom we were in and the layout of how the event was arranged in general. With the speaker on the left side of the class addressing the participants spread throughout the room.

This Detail image shows a close up of a former University of Maryland student typing on his lap top, with emphasis on his shiny gold wedding ring.

This Medium image encompasses the presenters giddy personality as she smiles before the camera.

Another Medium image shows the same former University of Maryland student taking notes on the various websites and journalism tactics being discussed in this event.
The last Medium image describes the results of an activity conducted in class that allowed participants to gauge their comfort level with various journalism editing softwares.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Video Assignment #3 - Kakarla

Video Assignment 3, Eklund

Sounds of the Rain

Video Assignment #3 (Toro)

Video Assignment #3: Lena

Video Assignment #3, Gill

Video Assignment #3 - Tantry

Video Assignment #3 - Gray

Video Assignment #3, Wen

Video Assignment #3: Ladas

sounds_1 from Catie Ladas on Vimeo.

Video Assignment #3 - Mitchell

HONR239V Video Assignment #3 - Sound It Out from Mitchell Hang on Vimeo.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Video Assignment #1

Link to my video assignment:

I tried to compensate for my lack of a quality camera and long-distance Zoom style interviews with hard work on editing, compiling and organizing clips, and making appropriate transitions between the people I interviewed.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Friday, March 6, 2020

Photo Assignment #4, Agarwal

This is the Training Studio at the Eppley Recreation Center. I teach a fitness class here.

The class is called Kettlebell Conditioning. These are kettlebells. The phrase "ESCAPE YOUR LIMITS" is engraved on them.

Three class participants in action. They rotate through a circuit of exercises. 

Here they are again, each doing a different exercise this time.

Cool down stretch towards the end of the class lead by my Co-Trainer, Cheyenne.

Pre Video Assignment- Jones


This video was well put together and extremely engaging. The audio was very clear and the music in the background was loud enough to be heard, but not overpowering. The transitions and sequencing was extremely smooth and the flow of the video was awesome. The topic was also interesting, however the way the video was edited and put together is what made me continue to watch.


This multimedia example definitely needed some work. There are multiple transitions that have long periods of black screen with no audio or logical information. The audio is also not clear, and the overall message behind the video is difficult to understand. The interviews were conducted with good intention, however the individuals being interviewed were not looking across the screen at the interviewer.

Pre-Video Assignment, Gilligan

Good example:

This project was unique and really well done. The audio was clean, the transitions were exciting, the B-roll was really unique, the framing was perfect, and the colors popped on the screen.

Bad example:

This project has a really good message but it was poorly made. The transitions were weird, the audio was bad, the background music was distracting, and the framing for the interviews was poor.

Pre Video Assignment-Nijjar

Pre Video Assignment | Shawn Nijjar

Bad example

This post is good because it highlights how tornadoes can be captured up close, without harming the cameraman. In addition it shows sounds very well too, something a typical user may need to practice. The steady hand of the recorder was important to me and this was done to perfection, as there was no noticeable wobble or shaking. I liked the variety of media types because this allowed for my focus to be constantly on the video. There was also fantastic angles used having me see the view and the focus properly. The sequence really tied it all in together as it seemed like a logical flow from start to finish. With all these elements we discussed in class and beyond in class, there is no doubt this example is a good multimedia example

Good example

This is an example of a poor example because the quality is grainy, and it is difficult to follow along with. In addition, some of the camera angle and transitions are poor. They often run into each other and seem cut and forced. The audio is a bit poor, which I find to be important because I do not want to watch something that I cannot hear. Based on what we discussed in class, the headspace is too plentiful in the latter, and that takes away from the project. Lastly, the end frame has many microphones seen which seems almost like a rough draft rather than a polished copy. Having all these elements that take away from the film, it leaves no doubt that this is a bad multimedia example.

Pre-video Assignment Gray

Bad Example

I feel like this video had a good ideas but poor execution. The whole idea of the video centered around him being lonely in different isolated locations, but the video quality just was not very good. A lot of times it look like many sections of the video were rushed and had been poorly edited to make him look like he was in places he was not. Sometimes, the music was not in sync with the musicians mouth.  Also, I feel like at times the footage detracted from the message of his song.

Good Example

I really liked this video because it told the story of LSU and how much a championship was worth to them. It had very clear audio with a nice music to add to the video. The footage in the video was captured with good lighting and good angles. Also, it clearly showed just how hard LSU was working to achieve their goal as a football to win a national title. The narration told the story just much as each visual showed the story and I feel like it was very cohesive.

Pre-Video Assignment, Toro

This multimedia project is forgettable. It is simply visuals with music in the background, and poem lyrics displayed on the screen. It did not present any ideas that were creative or innovative, and the pictures connected with the lyrics in an all-too-literal, cheesy kind of way. Because it lacks impactful elements, or even a diversity of elements, I would characterize it as bland video.

This video was more captivating, as it included overall shots, medium shots, and close-up shots to give the viewer better perspective. In terms of content, it begins by relating the topic (Irish Pubs) to the viewer, and then delves into the history of them. It also included some still photographs, and eventually some in rapid succession to emphasize how many Irish Pubs there are in the world. The audio over the visuals was clean and easy to understand as it narrated what was going on.

Pre-Video Assignment - Tantry

Good Video:

This video (one in which I am featured!) is an example of a good multi-media project. The interview style is taken in a natural setting, with the angle of the camera making it seem as though the viewer is watching an interview take place from afar as an audience. The sound is clear for the most part and is easy to hear. Clips are placed together in a meaningful and professional manner. Overall, it is a compelling video to watch that is not only informative but well executed.

Bad Video:

Although scenes themselves are executed well, some scenes are taken at weird angles that are not as purposeful. Further, those that are taken outside have a lot of background noise that takes away from the dialogue between the people. The transitions between clips do not flow as well together, either, serving to not provide a cohesive story line that is easy to follow. 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Pre-video assignment, Grant

Good multimedia project:

This video does a good job of integrating the music in the background with the sound picked up at the scene. Also, the structure of the video — flashing in between clips of students protesting in their own ways — was an interesting way to keep the video moving along. I also thought the text was done well. The words were up on screen long enough for viewers to read them and they provided the necessary context for the visuals, reducing the need for formal interviews.

Bad multimedia project:

This multimedia project isn't all bad, but there are a lot of elements that could be improved. To start, it's really hard to hear some of the interviews and narration. Using a microphone would have helped that issue. The interview subjects were also often out of focus. Another thing that really stood out to me was their opening sequence. The jaunty background music paired with the bouncing effect on the photos seemed pretty tone deaf for the serious topic at hand.

Pre-Video Assignment Padilla

Jake Padilla

Good multi-media project -

I think this is a very good multi-media. There are a lot of interesting shots of the various areas/events/people the host covers. The background music fits the environments shown throughout the video but is also cut in appropriate times where the dialogue has more emphasis. I also think transitions between footage and different shots were done very well. The story was concise, interesting, and enjoyable throughout.

Bad multi-media project -

This is just a very bad commercial. I'm sure most people are probably familiar with this and the backlash that Pepsi received, which I think was well deserved. For the most part, the commercial makes no sense. I believe it came across as extremely transparent, and an obvious ploy for Pepsi to try and capitalize on social issues of the time. The commercial has nothing to do with Pepsi, and the thought that a can of Pepsi would cause the civil distress shown in the commercial to instantly dissipate is absurd and does not accomplish anything that those behind it were going for.

Pre-Video Assignment: Lena

Fantastic example of a multi-media project:

The reason that this is a good multi-media project is because it is very persuasive and shot well. It includes interviews and many different dynamics of media to portray its message.

Example of a poor multimedia project:

The reason that this is a bad multi-media project is because the shots are constantly shaky. The audio is fuzzy and the lighting throughout the video isn't appealing.

Pre-Video Assignment, Kakarla

Good Video Project
I thought this was a very great way of implementing the techniques we used in class from close ups to mediums. I also liked how they set her up for the interview. They did not do a close up like most interviews, they took the angle a little farther away to show all the green around her. I thought this was a good way of emphasizing that she has a lot of green in her life. I also liked how they did not judge her, and let her tell her own story instead of putting judgement in it. I think understanding angles and subjects is important for making a good multimedia project.

Bad Video Project
I thought this was a good one, but it just looked like not much thought was put into it. The pictures just looked like it was randomly put and some of the pictures did not fit the screen. I think to make it better, there should be a better transition and same sized pictures. I also think that the pictures should have like the same filter or something or same color scheme so it can match with the them of the videomaker. It came off as just some random pictures put together.

Pre Video Assignment, Eklund

Good Multimedia Project:

This video is very well made and edited. The camera shows various shots of the action and is going towards it. It has some detailed shots, medium, and a nice overall clip that shows the hills. The music isn't overpowering and it keeps the viewer captivated. When the shot focuses on just the girls looking directly into the camera, it emphasizes the message and creates something personal. Visually its very interesting and colorful, and the camera is kept very steady.

Bad Multimedia Project:

This video is very comedic because it was so badly made. The beginning ten seconds starts out well, until the transition comes along with multiple clips of them in nature. In this transition stage the audio lines up awkwardly with the video itself. For example the mouth is moving before the audio begins. The camera is a little shaky and it is cropped so that his head is at the very top of the screen, making it seem a little congested. Addition of the music at transitions is distracting, but also adds to the comedic value of the video. Overall its one of those bad videos that you end up enjoying.

Pre-Video Assignment, Agarwal

Good Multi-Media Project:

This video tells the story of a special, top-tier brand of chalk. It sounds boring but it's actually very interesting. The video consists of a series of interviews that have been cut and intertwined to seamlessly explain the story. The video also contains a wide array of camera shots. Finally, the music fits the tone of the video very well.

Bad Multi-Media Project:

This is a Cleveland tourism video. It is a sarcastically made video and is intentionally made poorly but I figured it would be a solid example to use. The video consists of various shots around Cleveland with a song to match playing in the background. The camerawork is super shaky and the quality of the video is very poor. Also, the song is not very pleasant to listen to.

Pre-Video Assignment, Gill

Bad Multimedia:

This first video is a commercial made by Sony to advertise the PS3 and the technology that was in tech system. This commercial is not that great because, for starters, it does not really make sense. The features of the system only are shown once in big black lettering and there is no real example of the features in action. Additionally, the commercial is very creepy, especially the baby at the beginning. This would not help the PS3 attract consumers as it is not directed to anyone and does not invite an audience.

Good Multimedia:

This video is a vlog filmed by Casey Neistat called "The $21,000 First Class Airplane Seat." This is a good example of multimedia project because it is very well done. This one of the highest viewed videos on his channel and for good reason. The transitions between cuts are really good. Also, he balances the text with the background so that it is easy to read and gives the viewer enough time to read. Also, he also has good volume. The video is not too loud that it is annoying but it isn't too low of a volume that we cannot hear him. He also has some cool shots of the environment which adds to video a lot.

Pre Video Assignment: Ladas

This first video, called "Be A Lady, They Said" has SO many wonderful multimedia components. The framing of each of the speakers was incredible because it was head on and full of eye contact. As the viewer, I could not stop looking at the speaker because the eye contact made it feel intimate and personal. The transitions were flawless and blended to match the words as they came out of the speakers mouths; it was SO cool that each scenario was a play on words and was accompanied by a "scene change" with a new person in frame. In addition, the subtle music in the background was perfect for this project. It was not overwhelming and only added to the piece. The elegance of the instruments contrasted with the urgency in the narrators voice, only adding to the piece.

I honestly don't know where to start. The b-roll clips are blurry, and the lighting was very poor. I also have NO idea what it is about. What's the point? I think it was just a group of bored high school kids. Every once in a while the subject makes awkward eye contact with the camera and it's bizarre. I hope no one except me ever has to watch this.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Pre-Video Assignment - Mitchell

An example of a bad multi-media project:

This is a bad multi-media project because of one reason and one reason only: how cheesy it is. The footage looks subpar (and a bit over-graded), the editing is all over the place, and the acting makes The Room look like an Oscar-winning film. The music choices are odd, as some are the songs don't fit too well in the scenes they are put in (also the use of a Christina Perri song is quite odd since the song is written from Perri's perspective while the main character in the video is a boy). I think the actors had to re-record their lines in some scenes since the camera wasn't able to pick them up clearly (a solution would be to use an external "boom" mic). Also, during the basketball sequence, the shots were filmed in different days (or at least different parts of the day), as shown by the inconsistent lighting and the changing of cars in the background. I understand the message that the students were trying to tell, but the overall plot is kinda confusing. I mean, a hat that grants you superpowers to help you beat your bully in a basketball match? That's just absurd.

An example of a good multi-media project:

This is a good multi-media project because it looks like something I would want to do myself. I like collecting vinyl records (especially ones from Japan), and going to record stores has always been a favorite pastime of mine. The footage is graded nicely and the B-roll footage is wonderfully shot. I also like how there is also a side shot of the store representative so that the same one isn't used for too long. The music choices are excellent, as the songs fit perfectly for each segment of the video, and the voice of the store representative is nice and clear. I really like how there is a shot for each genre of music that is mentioned (rock, jazz, and city pop). Overall, this video is (almost) a perfect example of a multi-media project. The only complaint that I do have is that the subtitles look somewhat plain and don't have proper punctuation (i.e. periods) at the end.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Pre-Video Assignment, Shin

HONR 239V Pre-Video Assignment

Example of a good multimedia project:

How Nike Designs for an N.B.A. Athlete | In the Studio

This is an example of a good multimedia project. The video introduces us to our main character John Hoke, a chief designer for Nike. This video focuses Nike’s N.B.A project to redesign the league’s uniforms for the 2017-2018 season. The audience gets to experience the sequences needed to design a uniform: research on the athlete’s body, material/cut design, then accents/character design. The video does a good job of showing how the athlete and Nike researchers and designers work together. There are three main repetitive shots in the video, one focusing on the athlete training, another of a researcher/designer analyzing the athlete’s movement, and one where both are included to give an idea of how the two work together. I really liked how there was variety in the scenes, and visually interesting angles to document each step. In addition, there are text blurbs throughout the video, so you know exactly what is happening at each step. Plus, the pulse-like music in the background adds to the immersion. This video makes the audience feel like they invested in the designing process, especially with the conversational snippets with other researchers/designers they sprinkle throughout the video. It was a very interesting video that kept me wanting to learn more about what happens behind the scenes at Nike.

Example of a not-so-good project:

The Nitrogen Cycle

This is an example of a not-so-good multimedia project. The video starts off with a star-wars themed intro, which was an interesting start. However, the rest of the video was not quite as interesting as the beginning. Initially, text was used to help the audience follow the steps in the nitrogen cycle. However, the text blurbs stopped appearing later in the video, and the audience was left with the speaker talking at them. In addition, the rock music in the background was distracting and made it hard to listen to the speaker. Finally, the images/videos were not very interesting and did not have a cohesive structure. The pictures were also not very related to what the speaker was saying at some points in the video.

Pre-Video Assignment, Gloekler

Bad Video -

This is an example of a bad multimedia video because there is a lot of sound going on in the video. There is the sound of the wind and other background noise that makes the sound of the voices harder to hear. Also, when the people are interviewed, they are placed in the center of the screen and look directly at the camera. For interview purposes, it would be better for them to be in the left or right third and look across the screen.

Good Video -

This is an example of a good multimedia video. It combines still photos, videos, and typed words to tell a powerful story. The music played in the background is not overpowering and adds to the mood of the video. I think that it is simple, which makes you focus more on the story being told than the actual video being played, but it does well at advertising the product because it plays to the emotional side of the customer.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Pre-Video Assignment, Wen

Bad multimedia project
This project has three main bad points. Firstly, the audio is not very clear, it would be useful to buy a microphone/ borrow a microphone from the teacher in order to be able to hear things more clearly. The second, worst part, is that the camera moves a lot, which makes me feel a little dizzy. It would be better to have someone holding the camera just staying in one spot, and then resetting to a different location, rather than following the actor. The third problem with the project is that the music being used seems to cut off too suddenly when switching to the natural sound/ acting parts. Some people might think the music is not necessary, but it is funny since when the guy gets rejected its a sad song, and then a cool song when the cool guy walks in, so it is a funny method to make the mood/message really obvious and clear. So I think the music is fine, however the transitions of how the music is included could be improved.

Good multimedia project
Three good points of this project are first that the interview setup is good. For one, the interviewee is looking across the screen, and his head is high enough in the screen that he doesn't look like he's falling out. Also the subtext has his name in a bigger font, and the description in a smaller font below it, as is standard, so it's not distracting. The background of the interview is also relevant because it has a football poster in it. A second strong point of this project is that the layering of the narration audio from the interviewee and the natural sound from the B-roll footage seems to be appropriately tuned so I can hear the person talking clearly, but also have the additional sounds in the background. Thirdly the camera motion is also good, because the camera mostly doesn't move. The only time the camera moves is when it is showing the football being punted across the field into the bleachers, which is okay, because if the camera didn't move that time, you wouldn't be able to capture the full range of the football.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Photo Assignment #4 - Tantry

Squad Takes DC

An adventure to Surfside for tacos and Bon Matcha for matcha ice cream. Behold.
 Surfside Tacos
 En Route to Bon Matcha

 "Maybe try to take the photo against the black wall!" - Bystander seeing me struggle

Chris becomes a tourist.

Photo assignment #4, Eklund

After I was sick with a fever all week, my friend Deon and I decided to do a paint night. We wanted to finish the paintings we've been working on. I've been trying to finish this piece from my favorite movie the Wind Rises by Hayao Miyazaki (if you watch it I recommend you listen to the original Japanese version). It's a scene where Naoko is struck with tuberculosis and I wanted to contrast the imagery of the blood with a beautiful nature scene.

 fixing the hair

the finished paint palette

back on the wall

Photo Assignment #4, Gilligan

This past Wednesday, my friends and I went to "Terpzone" to spend time with our friend, Wesley, for his birthday.

Wesley lining up the cue ball for the break 

Logan showing off that he is the best player in the group 

Alex trying to hit a shot in the back corner 

That feeling when your teammate loses you two games in a row 

The Boys

Photo Assignment #4 - Mitchell

Earlier this week, I attended the first General Body Meeting (GBM) for WMUC Radio near the South Campus Diner. I was interested in hosting a radio show for quite some time, and I finally got my DJ approval application earlier in the semester. I was really excited to see what was in store for me.

The sign outside which directs students to the studio. It's nothing much, but it gets the job done.
Rosa Pyo, the General Manager of WMUC. She's considered as the "leader" of the station and is able to coordinate events and collaborations with other groups. She's also a really fun and outgoing person.
These two students look on as the people in the front have some major announcements to say.
New and old faces come together for the meeting, as everyone looks around to see all of the people that attended and wondering what's to be heard that is important.
The girl on the left has pretty interesting hair. I actually like how it looks; the colors kind of remind me of fire.

Photo Assignment #4 Gray

Photo Assignment #4

For this assignment, I went and photographed the University of Maryland's women basketball team as took on Purdue at home. A UMD WBB alumna that plays for the Washington Mystics came back and visited with her 2019 WNBA Championship trophy. UMD won the game commandingly and improved to 24-2 on the season. 

This was a picture of the scene when each UMD starter was being introduced; everyone in the crowd was given red glow-sticks to shake while the lights were dimmed.

This was an overall of the crowd that was present while UMD was on offense on the other side of the floor, near the band.

Here is the WNBA Championship trophy that was won last season. 

Here is the UMD Men's Basketball National trophy which is constantly on display at the Xfinity Center.

This was a picture of the UMD alumna posing with some fans.

Photo Assignment #4 Gill

For my event, I went to see Demetrius Harmon. He was a Vine star and now he is a motivational speaker and has his own clothing brand called "You Matter".

The line was very long to get into the venue!

There is a huge crowd here to see Demetrius

Demetrius is a laid back speaker and he is very conversational.  He is very good at relating to kids our age. 

Photo Assignment #4, Nijjar

For this assignment, I chose to document The World Is Yours which was the title of a guest speaker event, featuring internet celebrity and mental health activist Demetrius Harmon.

This overall capture shows the location identifier, as the name and four pillars are only seen with the Stamp Student Union.
Here we have a panorama showing the crowd eagerly awaiting the guest to arrive, featuring a wide array of colors.
He's here! The red lighting, red of his outfit, and the red of the logo all offer a unique contrast to the black background.
When I checked my watch as I was leaving the restroom, I realized the battery was broken. Luckily I had my phone.
The Kermit statue in front of the exit is definitely a wild character, catching me by surprise but the bright green appearance is unique.