Sunday, March 1, 2020

Pre-Video Assignment, Wen

Bad multimedia project
This project has three main bad points. Firstly, the audio is not very clear, it would be useful to buy a microphone/ borrow a microphone from the teacher in order to be able to hear things more clearly. The second, worst part, is that the camera moves a lot, which makes me feel a little dizzy. It would be better to have someone holding the camera just staying in one spot, and then resetting to a different location, rather than following the actor. The third problem with the project is that the music being used seems to cut off too suddenly when switching to the natural sound/ acting parts. Some people might think the music is not necessary, but it is funny since when the guy gets rejected its a sad song, and then a cool song when the cool guy walks in, so it is a funny method to make the mood/message really obvious and clear. So I think the music is fine, however the transitions of how the music is included could be improved.

Good multimedia project
Three good points of this project are first that the interview setup is good. For one, the interviewee is looking across the screen, and his head is high enough in the screen that he doesn't look like he's falling out. Also the subtext has his name in a bigger font, and the description in a smaller font below it, as is standard, so it's not distracting. The background of the interview is also relevant because it has a football poster in it. A second strong point of this project is that the layering of the narration audio from the interviewee and the natural sound from the B-roll footage seems to be appropriately tuned so I can hear the person talking clearly, but also have the additional sounds in the background. Thirdly the camera motion is also good, because the camera mostly doesn't move. The only time the camera moves is when it is showing the football being punted across the field into the bleachers, which is okay, because if the camera didn't move that time, you wouldn't be able to capture the full range of the football.

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