Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Pre-Video Assignment, Shin

HONR 239V Pre-Video Assignment

Example of a good multimedia project:

How Nike Designs for an N.B.A. Athlete | In the Studio

This is an example of a good multimedia project. The video introduces us to our main character John Hoke, a chief designer for Nike. This video focuses Nike’s N.B.A project to redesign the league’s uniforms for the 2017-2018 season. The audience gets to experience the sequences needed to design a uniform: research on the athlete’s body, material/cut design, then accents/character design. The video does a good job of showing how the athlete and Nike researchers and designers work together. There are three main repetitive shots in the video, one focusing on the athlete training, another of a researcher/designer analyzing the athlete’s movement, and one where both are included to give an idea of how the two work together. I really liked how there was variety in the scenes, and visually interesting angles to document each step. In addition, there are text blurbs throughout the video, so you know exactly what is happening at each step. Plus, the pulse-like music in the background adds to the immersion. This video makes the audience feel like they invested in the designing process, especially with the conversational snippets with other researchers/designers they sprinkle throughout the video. It was a very interesting video that kept me wanting to learn more about what happens behind the scenes at Nike.

Example of a not-so-good project:

The Nitrogen Cycle

This is an example of a not-so-good multimedia project. The video starts off with a star-wars themed intro, which was an interesting start. However, the rest of the video was not quite as interesting as the beginning. Initially, text was used to help the audience follow the steps in the nitrogen cycle. However, the text blurbs stopped appearing later in the video, and the audience was left with the speaker talking at them. In addition, the rock music in the background was distracting and made it hard to listen to the speaker. Finally, the images/videos were not very interesting and did not have a cohesive structure. The pictures were also not very related to what the speaker was saying at some points in the video.

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