Thursday, March 5, 2020

Pre Video Assignment: Ladas

This first video, called "Be A Lady, They Said" has SO many wonderful multimedia components. The framing of each of the speakers was incredible because it was head on and full of eye contact. As the viewer, I could not stop looking at the speaker because the eye contact made it feel intimate and personal. The transitions were flawless and blended to match the words as they came out of the speakers mouths; it was SO cool that each scenario was a play on words and was accompanied by a "scene change" with a new person in frame. In addition, the subtle music in the background was perfect for this project. It was not overwhelming and only added to the piece. The elegance of the instruments contrasted with the urgency in the narrators voice, only adding to the piece.

I honestly don't know where to start. The b-roll clips are blurry, and the lighting was very poor. I also have NO idea what it is about. What's the point? I think it was just a group of bored high school kids. Every once in a while the subject makes awkward eye contact with the camera and it's bizarre. I hope no one except me ever has to watch this.

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