Multi-Media Cafe

The Multi-Media Café

Please, browse through our assortment of offerings below. Pick a type, pick a style, pick a flow and don’t forget to leave room for desert. But choose wisely, too much desert will make you (and your audience) sick.
If you have question or just don’t know where to begin, feel free to ask your server for suggestions.
And don’t be afraid to make a choice. If at any time during your meal you begin to dislike your selection, just throw it out the window and order again.

Types of Multi-Media Presentations

            Audio SlideShow-A display of still images that are shown for a
predetermined period of time with audio run underneath that adds
information to the story being told. The audio can be an interview(s),
narration by you, natural sound or a combination of the three.

Video Story-Pretty simple here, a series of video clips that tell a story through the use of interviews, sequences and/or b-roll.

            Audio Story-An entirely audio only piece. Designed specifically for radio
or a Podcast. Interviews, narratives and natural sound combine to paint a visual picture for the listener.

            Video/Photo hybrid-Similar to a video story, but incorporates still images
            when needed to add punch. Options include, but are not limited to, historic
            photos that relate to the piece, graphics, labels, informational animations.

First Courses

Styles of Projects

            Narrative-This is your voice telling the story. You are the dominant sound
            that drives the flow, feel and pace of the piece.

            First Person-Your subject tells their story in their own words.

            Natural Sound-Let the sounds of the surroundings drive the piece. Hard to
do, but when done well it is inspiring.

            Multiple Interview-A variety of people that are involved in the story subject
            are interviewed.  Ideally, each will have something unique and personal to
            say, not rehashing what others have said before them.

Hybrid-A combination of narrative, interview(s) and natural sound. This is
the big enchilada of multi-media projects.

Main Courses

Story flow styles

            Process-This is where you start, then you do this, then this, then this again
and then this. Finally, you end up with this cool thing.
            Chronological-Different from a process in that you are telling a story from
            beginning to end. (ie, we formed a group, we practiced a lot and then gave
            a big performance)

            Start with Desert-Give away then ending and then tell the

            Tell Me Your Story-Typically a piece on someone who does something
            cool/unusual, has done something unique, lived an amazing live or is just
really cool.

            Business/Personal/Local-A story that has relevance to the local community
as a whole. A new store, park, opportunity, ordinance, etc.

            Event-documenting an interesting event, function or location. Its important
to get the backstory with a “one day” event. And from what viewpoint are
going to let the story?

                        Dissolves/Cross Fades/Cuts
            Video effects
                        Slow motion/fast motion
                        Zooming/panning/Ken Burns Effect

                        A song or background music that has relevance to the piece.
                        NOTE: all music, other then music that is naturally occurring
                        during the collection of video and audio, must be approved by
                        the instructor.

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