Friday, April 24, 2020

Photo Assignment 3- Jones

                  The event I attended was a Journalism workshop for juniors, seniors, graduate students, and anyone interested in the topic in general. This event was held in a classroom in McKeldin Library and had an audience of about 6 people. A lecture was given in a power point format and there was open discussion throughout the entire presentation.

This first Overall image portrays the classroom we were in and the layout of how the event was arranged in general. With the speaker on the left side of the class addressing the participants spread throughout the room.

This Detail image shows a close up of a former University of Maryland student typing on his lap top, with emphasis on his shiny gold wedding ring.

This Medium image encompasses the presenters giddy personality as she smiles before the camera.

Another Medium image shows the same former University of Maryland student taking notes on the various websites and journalism tactics being discussed in this event.
The last Medium image describes the results of an activity conducted in class that allowed participants to gauge their comfort level with various journalism editing softwares.

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