Friday, February 28, 2020

Photo Assignment #4 - Mitchell

Earlier this week, I attended the first General Body Meeting (GBM) for WMUC Radio near the South Campus Diner. I was interested in hosting a radio show for quite some time, and I finally got my DJ approval application earlier in the semester. I was really excited to see what was in store for me.

The sign outside which directs students to the studio. It's nothing much, but it gets the job done.
Rosa Pyo, the General Manager of WMUC. She's considered as the "leader" of the station and is able to coordinate events and collaborations with other groups. She's also a really fun and outgoing person.
These two students look on as the people in the front have some major announcements to say.
New and old faces come together for the meeting, as everyone looks around to see all of the people that attended and wondering what's to be heard that is important.
The girl on the left has pretty interesting hair. I actually like how it looks; the colors kind of remind me of fire.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are AMAZING Mitchell!!!! See you at the next GBM :))))
