Sunday, May 10, 2020

Final Project - Mitchell ("Culture Shocked")

I've always been a fan of things from Japan (music, TV shows, anime, movies), especially if they were around before my time. The 1980s is what I consider to be a peak decade for the country, when production of goods was at an all-time high, the economy was rising, and consumerism was a powerful force. I had ordered a box of VHS tapes recorded from Japan not too long ago, so I decided to include them in this project to represent a portal to a time long gone by.

This was filmed and edited within the span of a day. Unlike the other video assignments, this was edited using DaVinci Resolve 16. It was my first time using the software so I figured I'd challenge myself to edit the final project with it. In addition, this final project is also a callback to some of my other video assignments (most notably #2). I wanted this to be a reminder of some of the other projects I've worked on without directly copying from them.

Thank you Mr. Jacobsen for a wonderful semester (even though it was rudely interrupted by the pandemic). I am glad to have learned everything there is to know in this class from you. You were always a really great professor, and you were able to guide many of your students in the right direction. I hope you have a terrific summer vacation and maybe we'll see each other again soon.

~ Mitchell Hang

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