Good Example
This is a vlog (video blog) style video by Julien Solomita. This video has really nice action clips of getting to the airport and boarding the plane. He had an interesting mix of different sequential scenes. Some were sped up or were in fun perspectives. The music also fit the occasion well. The Spanish music fit because they were going to New Mexico, and the fast tempo matched their rush to board the plane. Julien also has a drone, so he includes a lot of amazing overall shots with their red car driving across isolated desert paths.
Bad Example
The quality of the video clips are pretty bad. They look very fuzzy and blurry, and many of the video clips were recorded with an unsteady hand. Most of the videos were recorded in the dark, and it is hard to see. In addition the transitions between videos is very abrupt. There was also a typo in the beginning of the slide ("intended" was misspelled).
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