Thursday, March 2, 2017

Pre Video Assignment, Hessler

Bad: This comically bad (so bad they made fun of it on SNL) fragrance commercial has many flaws. First of all, for no apparent reason, the whole thing is shot in black and white as the camera gradually zooms in on Brad Pitt as he talks in various different directions, giving it the sense that he is pondering some deep existential question. The camera then suddenly jumps too close to his face in a very sudden transition as he keeps talking. For some reason the lighting in the room is constantly changing, causing Brad's face, his shirt and the wall behind him to keep changing from lighter to darker and back to lighter again. If this didn't distract you enough to keep you from listening to the words, you would notice that his stream of consciousness ramblings make almost no sense, let alone the fact that they are unrelated to the product he is promoting. Then, just when you finally found out what the product is and assumed the commercial is over, it cuts back to Brad Pitt so he can look into the camera and utter one more completely unrelated word with no context: "inevitable".

Good: This video aims to interest its viewers in coming to Yorkshire and does an absolutely fantastic job of doing so, no words necessary. It starts out with the perfect scene to draw viewers in, and the soundtrack they picked is spot on. The beginning music and scenes convey a sense of wonder. Then, as the music picks up, the scenes show more of the hustle and bustle of cities to match it. The music gradually changes again to convey a sense of excitement and adventure. To go along with it, we now see shots of people embracing that adventure by flying planes, wind surfing, running and hiking, again in stunning locations. The video closes with a great moving shot up a hill to look out all around, and asks the question "When are you coming?".

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