Saturday, February 25, 2017

Pre-video Assignment, Rachel Moglen

This scene from the Pixar movie, Up, brilliantly pairs music with images. There are no vocals through the whole scene, instead the music conveys mood and energy matching the visuals. Lighting and colors also help set the tone, particularly in the shot when Ellie and Carl discover that they cannot have kids. The scene uses repetition of images and foreshadowing as storytelling devices to great effect. Overall, a poignant and thoughtful scene.

Not as Good
This project could use far more b-roll; it gets repetitive watching them speak to the camera, uninterrupted, for minutes at a time. They should also have selected someplace less noisy to film, or else used a microphone. At the beginning, there is a bizarre slurping noise in the background. Perhaps the camera man was drinking soup? In the scene where they interview someone, the camera should be much closer. The background music is louder than the guy being interviewed. The shot is also poorly framed: there is no need to watch the interviewer. The lighting is poor throughout.

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