Friday, February 17, 2017

Photo Assignment #3, Cao

I went to the Chinese Student Association's Lunar Banquet to celebrate Chinese New Year. It was held in the Stamp Grand Ballroom. Talented dancers and musicians performed throughout the evening and everyone enjoyed spending time with friends.

Overall: The CSA Lunar Banquet was sold out this year

Medium #1: The Tianyi dance team performs a traditional Chinese dance

Medium #2: Erica opens up her red envelope to find her fortune

Medium #3: Chinese flute performance

Detail: Everyone received lucky red envelopes containing special treats

1 comment:

  1. I like the compositions of the 1st two photos a lot and the poses of the dancers in the 2nd photo. But I think the 2nd photo might be a little bit better if the lines in the background were perfectly straight, they seem a little tilted to the left.
