Friday, February 17, 2017

Photo Assignment #3- Safi

Overall shot: the ice-skating rink in Silver Spring.

Medium shot: Downtown is really bright.

Medium shot: the icicle decor looks very retro- minus the chick-filA in the background.

Medium shot: This lamp was broken, and tilted to the left; made it look kind of sad and overlooked between all the functioning, perky ones.

Close-up shot: The Icicle decor continues on the walls- but i found the dead rose in front more intriguing.

I took the photos at the ice-skating rink in downtown Silver Spring. It was really late at night, hence the very few people, but i thought it made it look more interesting, with so many bright lights and store-fronts in the background, but no people. My hand pretty much froze taking these photos, but the parking was free and that made me happy!

1 comment:

  1. I like the compositions of the overall and the last two photos.
