Friday, February 10, 2017

Photo Assignment #2, Hyon

A boudoir type photo in La Plata Hall. 
Also shot in La Plata Hall and shows her potential inner thoughts.
This was taken in the walkway to Stadium Garage. I wanted a Mary Magdalene vibe with more of an edge.
Taken in La Plata Hall. It was hard to balance the back light, but I used a mirror as a reflector to try to brighten the subject.
A random window in the alumni center.
Found a random junk yard right behind Art Socy.
This was taken in the same junk yard and I just loved the look of these random stairs that led to nowhere.

1 comment:

  1. I like the use of the mirror in the 2nd photo. I like in the 5th photo how the glare or whatever divides her face in half and I like the pose and setting in the 7th photo.
