Saturday, February 25, 2017

Pre-video Assignment, Rachel Moglen

This scene from the Pixar movie, Up, brilliantly pairs music with images. There are no vocals through the whole scene, instead the music conveys mood and energy matching the visuals. Lighting and colors also help set the tone, particularly in the shot when Ellie and Carl discover that they cannot have kids. The scene uses repetition of images and foreshadowing as storytelling devices to great effect. Overall, a poignant and thoughtful scene.

Not as Good
This project could use far more b-roll; it gets repetitive watching them speak to the camera, uninterrupted, for minutes at a time. They should also have selected someplace less noisy to film, or else used a microphone. At the beginning, there is a bizarre slurping noise in the background. Perhaps the camera man was drinking soup? In the scene where they interview someone, the camera should be much closer. The background music is louder than the guy being interviewed. The shot is also poorly framed: there is no need to watch the interviewer. The lighting is poor throughout.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Photo Assignment #4, Zhai

                                                                          Red Pride
UMD vs. Minnesota

Spell Cast
Lend a hand for luck 
Medium Shot
All for One and One for All 
The student section is draped in Red, White, Black and Gold
Medium Shot

Raise the Flag
United under one flag
Medium Shot

Fearless Litter
The remains of a night of adrenaline
Close Shot

Photo Assignment 3, Nguyen

VSA hosted a date auction in order to raise money for the Catalyst Foundation.

Victoria, one of the MC's points at a bidder.
Chris, the other MC, is egging the audience for more bids.

Another shot of the stage, as the MC's laugh at something an audience member said.

One of the auctionee's shoes.

Assignment #4, Safi


                                        Asia in Five

Shiva Nataraja - the Lord of Dance- dances as he brings the world into existence, with the harmony of cosmic flames held in his hands. (India)

Chinamania: this tower of Qingbai china objects illustrate the versatility of china,  as well as Europe's newfound obsession at the time with china. (Southern China)

Porcelain display- originating in the Song Dynasty, made from bai dunzi . (Eastern Asia)

Moraq ceramic tiles, traditionally used in mosques and shrines. (Iran)

A carpet-weaver at work, painstakingly weaving by hand as is tradition. (Afghanistan)


Photo Assignment #4, Kim

Cleaning your room.


Making the bed.

Folding clothes.

Organizing her desk.

Vacuuming the floor.


Photo Assignment #4, Paddison

A dog and his domain

target spotted
a lone tree

Exploring the domain

Is this Maryland or the desert 

Photo Assignment #4, Cao

A visit to the National Gallery of Art

Entering the National Gallery of Art

Andrew contemplates the messages of modern art

Taking a break from climbing endless flights of stairs and enjoying the view

The giant blue rooster watches over Washington, DC

View from the rooftop of the East Wing 

Photo Assignment #4 - Hessler

Nothing better than an afternoon on the quad on a beautiful day

Students are fully engaged in an intense spikeball game

Volleyball games are happening constantly on days like these

The volleyball fun continues even as the sun starts to dip behind the buildings

My friend Kat reads on a bench as students are sprawled out on the grass in front of her

Photo Assignment #4, Penn

Terrapin Trail Club (TTC) Meeting

Sam and Sarah leading the club meeting and discussing upcoming trips. 

Guest speaker Tom explains trail safety.

Dave answers and debates a question from Tom.

Club members listening to a scenario where Kyle, in the red jacket, has broken his leg.

Club members stretching and ready to leave the Armory classroom after the presentation.

Photo Assignment #4, Rachel Moglen

The 6th Annual Alumni Cup
Each engineering discipline competes to create a Rube Goldberg machine that will complete a simple task. This year's task: take a selfie

The crowd gathers to watch the spectacle

The chemical engineers struggle with their machine

An aerospace engineer shows off her work to her young relative. Aero placed third.

The BioE team revels in the success of their machine. BioE placed first.

A civil engineer adjusts the CE's bridge-themed machine. CE placed second.

Photo Assignment 4, Gray

These are pictures of the continuing work on the bee habitat on North campus. My class is putting in a green roof to not only help prevent erosion of the wall but to provide flowers for the bees.

Green roofs consist of many layers. Here students are installing a layer of rock wool, a fairly new material that has been used in stormwater management in green roofs.
Above the rock wool a filter fabric was put in. Here students are installing substrate above the filter fabric.
The substrate must be distributed in a 2 inch layer across the roof.
Sedum (stonecrop) is the most common genus of plants placed on green roofs.
Sedum planted in it's new habitat.