Thursday, March 1, 2018

Pre-Video Assignment, Gerald

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

The Good - Never too old for a tiara

This multimedia project by the New York Times was a good example of a multimedia project. When documenting the Ms. Senior America Pageant, they were able to make you feel invested in the women they were following. They were able to use diegetic and non-diegetic sounds to seamlessly tell multiple stories. They also used lighting very effectively to draw your eye to the focus of the story and to keep you interested. Using great film and storytelling techniques they were able to get me interested in a story I have never heard about to the very end.

The Bad: Multimedia Presentation by Rohit Agarwal

This is a great example of a bad project. It did not have any story or even point I could follow. The transitions were harsh and very noticeable. The Music did not make nay sense with the content and the transitions between music and speech was very choppy. They chose to use bad quality photos which were very hard to discern. They also had yellow words which came on the screen in many bad ways which made it hard to read. This was overall a bad multimedia project which couldn't even keep my attention for 2 minutes.

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