Examples of Good and Bad Multimedia Projects
Good: Opening Day at the Maryland Legislative Session - Catalina Mejia (Capital News Service)
Catalina Mejia, a senior Broadcast Journalism student at UMD, assisted in covering the first day of the Maryland Legislative Session at the beginning of this year. This was a very strong project, with music that was not distracting and matched up well tonally with the informal nature of the coverage. The content itself was on the more concise and cohesive side, with descriptive coverage and observations from the reporters of the events. The information being presented was all within the context of the politically-themed event. The reporters touched on the background of the legislative session, the notable news, and their personal experience being there, keeping the video engaging throughout its 5-minute duration. The selection of shots was varied and well-executed, and the editing was smooth.
Bad: A Day With Ivanka Trump - Eliza Collins (USA Today)
Coming from a nationwide publication, this segment came off as surprisingly amateurish. The visual text appearing as words are said is completely unnecessary and clutters the screen, which caused me to disengage with the video from the start by the unnecessary distraction. This addition adds nothing to the segment, and instead detracts from it. The content itself is not engaging, with the reporter failing to craft an interesting narrative on the first daughter and focusing on dull details that do not convey the personality of the subject the way the reporter would like, such as Ivanka's Starbucks order. Also, the spin of the video paints a overly positive portrait of Ivanka, constantly praising her superficially and failing to offer an objective view.
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