Friday, March 2, 2018

Pre-Video Assignment, Ojibeka

Good Multimedia:
This video is by a Youtuber named Shameless Maya. In this video she gives a guide on how to pray. I love the cinematography of this video. Her use of low light and the deep blueish tint used really helps to convey a very calm scene. Using a mostly dark scene could also represent one's state of mind as they enter prayer. People would normally expect a very white, dreamlike visual for a video on prayer but Maya executes this very well in a unique way. It seems as if it is late at night. There are a variety of shots of both Maya  and the background. I also like her use of empty shots to help represent focus and meditation. The captions in the video were nicely and lightly used. The contrast at the end where it is bright is also very nice and represents hope/ the feeling of renewal after prayer or meditation. The audio is also very soothing and crisp. She does a great job at portraying the act of prayer in a way that makes it feel very individual.

Bad multimedia:
Well the video says it all lol. The audio is very poor and does not match the video. The use of stopmotion video is inappropriate considering that the video starts off as a typical video fps. They should have just stuck to one type of fps throughout the video. However, they could have also lowered the shutter speed at the Jesus scene.

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