Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Pre-Video Assignment, Kim

Examples of Good & Bad Multi-Media Projects

Good:"How 'Garlic Girls' Turned South Korea Into a Curling Country"- WSJ

The Wall Street Journal recently released this multi-media project focusing on the South Korean women's curling team, the silver-medalists from the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. This multi-media project combined audio from narrations, interviews, and natural noise. It starts with the introduction of the team members and footage of them competing in the Games with fan parodies of curling. Quickly, it transitions into explaining their nickname, the 'Garlic Girls,' by incorporating footage of their hometown, which is famous for exporting garlic. The story is focused not only on the athletes but also their hometown - the residents, mayor, and students of Uiseong are interviews about curling and the team. The footages support what the interviewees or the narrator is saying; the interviews are conducted in Korean, which is supplemented by the translated captions.  Still photos of the Olympics are also scattered throughout the video as the narrator explains their recent triumph in the Games. The video is able to utilize interviews, photos, and live footage along with various audio clips to draw the viewer in while explaining both about Uiseong and the history of curling (in Korea).

Bad: "multimedia poetry project 2012"

This multimedia project failed to draw in the audience at the start. The camera was unsteady in all of the clips throughout the project. The project also had rather abrupt transitions between the shaky video clips. Because there was no natural/ambient noise or narration, it was difficult to continue to pay attention to entire duration of the video, despite it being under 2 minutes. At times, the text of the poem filled up the entire screen, but there was not enough time to read all the text. The music also distracted from having the viewer focus on the words displayed on the screen - having instrumental music without lyrics would have been better. Ultimately, there was no storyline to the video. The footages attempted to connect to the words of the poem, but they were very subtle and easy to miss.

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