Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Pre-Video Assignment, Chill

Good and Bad Multimedia

I liked this video because it tells a clear story while integrating photo, video, and audio. I also remember hearing about Yusra from the Summer Olympics! The beginning of the video shows Yusra swimming; the splashing audio seemed natural and was not abrupt. There was a good balance of narration and interviews, and all of the transitions between camera angles were smooth. The audio was clear for both interview subjects and there was no feedback/background noise. There was also a wide range of detail, medium, and overall angles. The video made me want to know more about Yusra's story. 

This video was a slide show with an interview narration. This was not the best project because the photos were repetitive and low resolution. One of the Nutcracker photos was just a zoomed in version of the overall Christmas Tree shot. The audio was not clear either. Because there was only one interview question, the video seemed incomplete. Also, it seemed the interviewee was still talking when the video cut off. Overall, the slide show did not tell a story. 

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