Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Turner, Pre-Video Assignment

Examples of Multimedia Projects

Bad: This multimedia project has a lot of qualities that work against it. First, it was clearly shot on a phone, which is fine--except that the phone is held vertically, making the screen very narrow and making it hard to capture the moment. The video was shaky and the lighting was often poor. Many frames, like the shots of the street pianoist, would have been much better from a different perspective, instead of being taken from so far away.
(I'm having trouble uploading the video but it was included in this article: It's about halfway down the page, called "Aluure of the Backcountry").
Good: This video incorporates visually interesting footage with personal interviews to tell the story. It draws the viewer in with the initial shot of the skier coming down the mountain. The interviewees are shot off-center in accordance with the rule of thirds. It also included a range of perspectives, ranging from watching the skier come down the mountain to filming from the perspective of the skier.

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