Thursday, March 3, 2016

Good vs Bad Projects

The following video is good! It opens up with upbeat music and interesting visuals that hook you in. The layering of audio and exciting visuals with great angles make me want to go out there and try it myself. You can tell that the person who made this put a lot of time in it, and it's probably something they're passionate about. And even if not, they did a good job of making it interesting. What is this it I'm referring to? Go ahead and find out below!

This video is...not so great. It's bad. And I'm not just saying that because of its topic (which can be cringe-worthy to some viewers). The dance in the beginning is alright, but since the greenscreen equipment wasn't working so well, they shouldn't have used it. They could have projected 'AC' behind them using a projector (they were in a classroom) and recorded themselves dancing in front of it. Also, the audio was too silent at some parts but too loud at others. Lastly, the angles weren't so bad, but they needed to watch out for the lighting. 

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