Thursday, March 5, 2015

Pre-Video Assignment, Paula Wang

Good Video:

This is a good example of a multimedia video because it had great clear, crisp video. The B-roll in this video has multiple different angles and views allowing the audience to see the process of grilling without being bored. The audio in the video is very even and at a good volume. The music in the background does not overpower the narration by the expert griller. The topic is interesting and draws in the audience with the delicious looking food and mentioning how grilling a community event.

Bad Video:

This multimedia video is horrible because the whole video is interview and there is no B-roll. The audience would have lost interest very early on. The interviews are not given a proper area to sit or stand, so the interviewee are moving around nervously moving around and fidgeting. The interviewee are not given a name tag saying their name or who they are. Also, the audio is just horrible. There is a lot of background sounds that you can hear. The volume of the interviews are too low and the background is too loud.

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