This video is quirky and lighthearted, which fits well with its subject matter. The B-roll footage is interesting and engaging, and the interviews do well with using different camera angles and distances. The sound bites from the kids keep your attention and can be amusing. One thing I would change is that a couple of the shots seemed a little dark, but otherwise I'm a big fan of this video.
The quality of this video isn't great, and it's very shaky. I realize they were trying to go for impact by not having people talk, but I think it got a little old after watching the same type of thing for 3 minutes straight. I also think the main point of the video was hard to pick out. They jump around from talking about the inefficiencies in the way people learn in college today, but jump out briefly to larger concepts like war, poverty and statements like "this laptop costs more than some people make in a year," but don't ever drive home a conclusion with it.
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