Sunday, March 1, 2015

Pre-Video Assignment #1, Gabby Larios

                             || Examples of Multi-Media Projects ||

How to Grow Pumpkins - Libby's Pumpkin
by: Very Best Baking

     This is a good example of a multi-media project because it covers many important points. The first point that it covers is that there are scenes that are at multiple angles, especially during the b-roll. The audio is very good and clear. When Jennifer is asking questions, the camera is at the side and not directly in front of the person speaking. The transitions are very smooth and the background music that is used is not too loud. There is also a variety that is used. Both video and images are used in this project.

A Day in the Life of a Pumpkin | School Project
by: Adam!

     This is a good example of a bad multi-media project because of the lack of many points. The first major point is that there is no speaking or any form of explanation in the entire video. The video begins and ends with very loud music. The video is not clear or smooth. In addition, there is no variety of angles. It all appears that everything was filmed from the same angle.

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