Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Pre-Video Assignment, Kim

Examples of Good & Bad Multi-Media Projects

Good:"How 'Garlic Girls' Turned South Korea Into a Curling Country"- WSJ

The Wall Street Journal recently released this multi-media project focusing on the South Korean women's curling team, the silver-medalists from the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. This multi-media project combined audio from narrations, interviews, and natural noise. It starts with the introduction of the team members and footage of them competing in the Games with fan parodies of curling. Quickly, it transitions into explaining their nickname, the 'Garlic Girls,' by incorporating footage of their hometown, which is famous for exporting garlic. The story is focused not only on the athletes but also their hometown - the residents, mayor, and students of Uiseong are interviews about curling and the team. The footages support what the interviewees or the narrator is saying; the interviews are conducted in Korean, which is supplemented by the translated captions.  Still photos of the Olympics are also scattered throughout the video as the narrator explains their recent triumph in the Games. The video is able to utilize interviews, photos, and live footage along with various audio clips to draw the viewer in while explaining both about Uiseong and the history of curling (in Korea).

Bad: "multimedia poetry project 2012"

This multimedia project failed to draw in the audience at the start. The camera was unsteady in all of the clips throughout the project. The project also had rather abrupt transitions between the shaky video clips. Because there was no natural/ambient noise or narration, it was difficult to continue to pay attention to entire duration of the video, despite it being under 2 minutes. At times, the text of the poem filled up the entire screen, but there was not enough time to read all the text. The music also distracted from having the viewer focus on the words displayed on the screen - having instrumental music without lyrics would have been better. Ultimately, there was no storyline to the video. The footages attempted to connect to the words of the poem, but they were very subtle and easy to miss.

Pre-Video Assignment, Chill

Good and Bad Multimedia

I liked this video because it tells a clear story while integrating photo, video, and audio. I also remember hearing about Yusra from the Summer Olympics! The beginning of the video shows Yusra swimming; the splashing audio seemed natural and was not abrupt. There was a good balance of narration and interviews, and all of the transitions between camera angles were smooth. The audio was clear for both interview subjects and there was no feedback/background noise. There was also a wide range of detail, medium, and overall angles. The video made me want to know more about Yusra's story. 

This video was a slide show with an interview narration. This was not the best project because the photos were repetitive and low resolution. One of the Nutcracker photos was just a zoomed in version of the overall Christmas Tree shot. The audio was not clear either. Because there was only one interview question, the video seemed incomplete. Also, it seemed the interviewee was still talking when the video cut off. Overall, the slide show did not tell a story. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Pre-Video Assignment, Moy

Examples of Good and Bad Multimedia Projects

The Good

An example of a good multimedia project would be Alex Currie's "If Man Were Meant to Fly (Short Film). What makes this so memorable is how cohesive everything was; the transitions weren't sudden, the pauses weren't too long, you wouldn't notice the changes. The framing made sense, there wasn't anything that looked out of place. What the filmmaker intended for the audience to see what in the right position so that you wouldn't have to look for what was happening. The audio was clear and the music that was chosen fit well with the scenes. Everything just felt natural and flowed really well. Each scene made you think about what would happen next to keep your attention. It made you feel connected to the characters on screen, as if you were right there with them. The narration made you feel like you were a part of the character. In just 5 minutes, Alex was able to convey such intense emotions.

The Bad and Ugly

An example of a bad multimedia project would be Terry Moore's "Multimedia Poetry Project (Melinda Poor Example)." What makes this so TERRYble is a number of things. One of them is that you can barely hear the person speaking, the music is way too loud. The music didn't really match the video either. You can't really see the text on screen either. The font that he picked was really difficult to decipher and the text blended into the background. You couldn't really read the text on the screen. The pictures he used for the background also didn't really make that much sense in relation to the video. This was also an example from a teacher of what not to do for their multimedia project on poetry, so it was intentionally made to be terrible.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Photo Assignment #4, Moy

George Washington Parade

Starting the George Washington Parade with bagpipes.

Boy Scouts reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Celebrating with International Dancing.

Drum line

At the end of the parade, people got to take photos with "George Washington."

Photo Assignment #4, Misra

Photo Assignment #4: Strive for Five
Event: Speed Dating for Social Professionals
Whereas last week I documented the professional side of Business Fraternity rush, this week I had the chance to dive into the social side, where rushes got the chance to meet dozens of brothers through a rotating, "speed dating" format of one-minute conversations.

The Phi Chi President looks on as Speed Dating begins

A friendly message for rushes to see as they go through the fourth event of rush

A sea of motion and expression - the room was abuzz for two hours

The layout of the event - brothers and rushes formed a ring around the room

Brothers were easily distinguishable because of their letters

Photo Assignment 4, Shah

The second round of the application process for students who want to become University of Maryland tour guides with IMAGES is speed dating. This is the speed dating event. 

                                        Tourguides have a lot of Maryland Pride

applicants arrive 

speed dating rounds are one minute per applicant 

                               by the time you finish, you're exhausted and don't feel like talking ever again

Photo Assignment #4, Kim

For this assignment, I chose to document my campus ministry, Kharis Campus Ministry (KCM), having a prayer & praise night at the Reckord Armory.

Photo Assignment #4 Yu

A Gamer Symphony Rehearsal

Photo Assignment #4, Perkins

These photos are from the University of Maryland Spring Career Fair. This career fair was three days long and was held in Stamp Student Union. The career fair was open to all majors and had a variety of companies looking to recruit new employees. 

Photo Assignment #4, Chill

Discover Maryland Day

Discover Maryland is an all-day event for prospective students to learn about opportunities at UMD. I staffed the event as an engineering ambassador. At the college fair, students talked to admissions counselors, learned about different majors, and gathered more flyers than they would ever need.

Photo Assignment #4: Ojibeka

African Student Association General Body Meeting

Welcome to our GBM!

Repping her hometown 🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭

(...but we all know what's the best country 🇳🇬) 
Spilling ALL the tea I see

Photo Assignment #4, Weaver

WIELD hosted a Yoga Social for students and faculty to come and de-stress after a long week
Meet your yoga instructor: Jessica Young
Students listen to the wise words of Dr. Jones while waiting for yoga to start

Blue is a calming color

All good events end with some tasty snacks and time to chat

Photo Assignment #4 McConnell

This is the story of me trying to rush to make dinner with almost none of the right ingredients while only using one hand because I had my camera in the other hand. So I wanted to make chicken parmesan and spaghetti, but I only had shell pasta, chicken nuggets and cheddar cheese, so I improvised. It still tasted pretty good, but it was difficult to pour all these things with one hand and not spill them or burn myself.