Friday, February 19, 2016

Quintanilla, Photo Assignment #3

Portraits of Erin Engelbrecht (my roommate)

On the wall behind her are photos that Erin strung up along our dorm wall- if you look closely you can see photos of her in Guatemala and Disney World

One of Erin's hobbies is sewing. This T-shirt quilt reflects her hobby, as well as many of the events and places she has been to. 

Erin is not sure about her major, but as of now she is in Civil Engineering, where the logic behind the built environment is king. (Taken from the bottom of the staircase in Stamp.)

As any Engineering student will tell you, hard work is an important requirement.

This last photo is the one Erin chose for her new LinkedIn profile (as you can see by the screenshot). She liked the plain background and the ample light.

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