Friday, February 26, 2016

Hans, Photo Assigment 4

For this week's assignment, I decided to attend one of two Bach Cantata performances this semester. They performed for approximately 30 minutes which was full of classical music and various instrumental and vocal solos. 
Side note: Although I wanted to, I wasn't able to get up close to take appropriate pictures. Therefore, I had to take some pictures zoomed in (which leads to why some of the photos are blurry and/or not focused).

 Lead: Audience members intently watching the concert.

 Supporting Cast: Three orchestra performers playing their hearts out.

 Extra: One can never separate the bond between a man and his organ.

 Wild Character: Although she might look possessed, she is gracefully conducting the band through the music.

Location Identifier: The next performance will occur on April 23 at 1:30 in the Grand Pavilion. 

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