The Good (Long Term Parking)
This is a fantastic multimedia project that follows a clear story about airport parking. It follows the same aesthetic throughout the video and provides a clear in depth look into different lives of people. The framing in the video is always amazing and helps not only provide proper framing to see the person, but framing to see the environment and help shape our perceptions of who they are as people. The story is told through interview clips, which allow the interviewees to tell their story in exquisite detail.
The Bad (The Dogmatic )
Certainly not a terrible film but compared to the latter multimedia project it is clearly very amateur. The lighting and framing is shoddy at times. Also, it is unable to properly tell as clear or compelling a story as it cuts from many different wordy frames and interviews. It is not as consistent as the latter in its method of telling the story which makes it not as strong in many cases.
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