Friday, May 6, 2016

Wolfgram, Final Project

Final Project

I couldn't so much about the volume so maybe turn it up?

Quintanilla, Final Project

de Campos, Final Project

All Roads Lead to the Language House

Music: "Ladybird Theme" by David Szesztay (Creative Commons, Source: Free Music Archive)

Guo, Final Project

Terps Boxing

Yang, Final Project

Hear the Turtle Toastmasters

Come take a glimpse at the Toastmasters club at the University of Maryland Campus. The Toastmasters Club here is lead by a group of students trying to improve their public speaking. Anyone is welcome to come to meetings as guest members to the club to practice public speaking! There are no more meetings for this semester, but feel free to come next semester when the club gets going again!

Samelson, Final Project

Turner, Final Project

Thwaite, Final

Hans, Final Project

Luso-Brazilian Student Association Promo Video 2016

Hsiao, Final Project

Honors And Ice Cream

Honors and Ice Cream from Timothy Jacobsen on Vimeo.

Jacobsen-Four MInutes, Four Season

Four Seasons In The Frederick Watershed from Timothy Jacobsen on Vimeo.