Friday, February 27, 2015

Nam - Assignment #4

//Billiards Night with Friends//

No. 11: destined for the pocket

The show-off

"No pressure, man."

Downstairs in the Domain

Meet the cast

Photo Assignment #4, Anthony

Riding the Metro.

It's rare to find an empty car.


Waiting is a blur.
One goes up, two come down.

 We arrived on the street.

Photo Assignment #4, Paula Wang

 Dancing by the Power, dance class at CSPAC

Stretching feet before class

Stretching after class

The dance teacher

Photo Assignment #4, Gabby Larios

|| The CSA 2015 Lunar Banquet ||

The CSA, Chinese Student Association celebrating the New Year of the Sheep

    The President and Vice President work really hard to make sure we're entertained

  The night is full of many traditional and modern performances 

   About 500+ people attending this lively event at the Grand Ballroom at Stamp

And the homemade food is very savory and delicious

Photo Assignment #4, Lin

Open Mic Night at The Board and Brew

Photo Assignment #4, Boeckl

Decorate a Mirror Event Sponsored by Active Minds at Maryland
An event to promote positive body image

In Jimenez Hall on Wednesday night
Painting mirrors
The evening's tools
Pride in a finished product

And finally, goofing off with balloons

Photo Assignment #4, Chong

Roommate Dinner with "Vaguely" Vietnamese Tacos

We are setting out to conquer the feast of meat, rice, and vegetables.

The final masterpiece of meat, tortilla shell, rice, and pickled vegetables is made!

We finished gorging ourselves on food, so Claire is entertaining us with a story. (I cannot explain her face. It's her natural face.)

Emily and Claire are scoping out the best cupcake for consumption.

After eating, Claire and Hally are experiencing food coma on the ground.

Photo Assignment #4, Hsu

Toys R Us!

Megan has a homework assignment for Women's Studies to visit a toy store and document the gender differences in toys for girls and boys. 

Hot Wheels display case provides entertainment for her friends while she does homework.

Donna attempts to sit in a car that can drive up to 5 mph.

A baseball bat designed to utilize elasticity of the green springy plastic in order to hit the ball further with a less forceful swing. Physics is functional.

After much struggle, Arlene (studying Electrical Engineering) figures out how to make the Olaf flashlight work.

Photo Assignment #4, Ziegler

Intramural Playoff Soccer Game
Goalie defends the net after a player takes a shot at goal.
Exhausted player gets a water relief after winning the game.

Overview of the arena with two playoffs games commencing.

The team brings in a post-game huddle to celebrate their victory.

Two players fight for possession of a loose ball.

Photo Assignment #4, George

Black Belt Club Practice

Members prepare for practice to start.

Members stretch at the beginning of club practice.

Billy Kaloss drills on roundkicks.

Club alumnus Alun Walpole teaches a kung fu form to Drew Hutchison during open practice.

Mark Mainolfi prepares to drill punches.